
Welcome to thoughts, musings, questions, and reflections around my passion - LEADING. Leading in ways that benefit you and benefit others.

Every person has a voice that can influence and impact the world in which they move and shake. My goal is to create greater awareness around the potential that voice has. Once aware, it's amazing what you can do.

As you develop and use your voice, your confidence grows. As your confidence grows, you step out and lead yourself, others, teams, and organizations in powerfully positive ways. And soon, yours is the attitude that others want to be around.

So, grab a cup of java and pull a chair up to my blog table. Let's trade dialogue and share a space of learning, growing, and contributing.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Horse Play Leadership Lesson #2

A few days back, I penned a blog explaining that my new found adventure, learning to ride horse, has offered me the chance to grow my confidence. Well, here is this week's lesson in leadership from my horse riding experience - equipment matters!

Paying attention to equipment is a key piece of enjoying a horse ride. I've been jumping around using different saddles for about two months now and frankly, getting tired of it. I just want a saddle that works, end of story. But here's the deal ... the saddle needs to work for both of us - me and the horse. Without both of us being as comfortable as possible, we'll not get the smooth ride I'm looking for. So, it's worth the effort to search and find "the right fit." Yes, I said it "right fit." That Jim Collins guy (author of famed book Good to Great) said it best, "right fit" really does matter.

So, here's the transition. Do you have the equipment to lead yourself in ways that help? Take a second to sit back and ask yourself the "right fit," question. Do you fit well in the various roles you take on? If not, consider the equipment equation. You may find you need to invest a bit in yourself. If that is the case, don't hesitate! Growing yourself offers the reward of greater self confidence and that's a great payback!

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