
Welcome to thoughts, musings, questions, and reflections around my passion - LEADING. Leading in ways that benefit you and benefit others.

Every person has a voice that can influence and impact the world in which they move and shake. My goal is to create greater awareness around the potential that voice has. Once aware, it's amazing what you can do.

As you develop and use your voice, your confidence grows. As your confidence grows, you step out and lead yourself, others, teams, and organizations in powerfully positive ways. And soon, yours is the attitude that others want to be around.

So, grab a cup of java and pull a chair up to my blog table. Let's trade dialogue and share a space of learning, growing, and contributing.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I'm Stuck and My Brain Won't Unlock!

A few posts ago, I mentioned that I'd given myself a brain cramp by launching into a learning process for using creativity inside the coaching process.

Well, guess what ... the brain cramp has been worth it, I'm learning some cool stuff. Consider today's topic, unlocking our creativity.

As per the training I'm taking, our creativity can be triggered in numerous ways. This helps us move the creative process from one of "just happening," to a process that is intentionally engaged. I love being intentional, so this was right up my alley. And, the triggers are so doable there is no excuse for not taking at least one of them on.

Here's a sampling of activities that can intentionally trigger our creative process (you will quickly recognize these): spiritual prayer, meditation, music, cooking, gardening, athletics, repetitive actions like knitting, being with pets, water activities, being in nature, helping others, relinquishing control.

American painter, Andrew Wyeth, connects the dots with his quote, "I dream alot, I do more painting when I'm not painting. It's in the subconscious."

A preparation activity, such as those suggested above, prepares us for creative insight. My commitment is to combine two activities and do them for 21 days. At which point, I'll assess how my creativity is stepping up to the tasks I'm involved in day-to-day.

I'll continue with my early AM routine of prayer and meditation. Then, prior to any writiting I need to do, I'm going to break away from desk. I will breathe deeply for 5 minutes, then take a brisk 10 minute walk.Then I will return to my laptop and let my fingers start flying over the keys.

Are you game to join me?

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