
Welcome to thoughts, musings, questions, and reflections around my passion - LEADING. Leading in ways that benefit you and benefit others.

Every person has a voice that can influence and impact the world in which they move and shake. My goal is to create greater awareness around the potential that voice has. Once aware, it's amazing what you can do.

As you develop and use your voice, your confidence grows. As your confidence grows, you step out and lead yourself, others, teams, and organizations in powerfully positive ways. And soon, yours is the attitude that others want to be around.

So, grab a cup of java and pull a chair up to my blog table. Let's trade dialogue and share a space of learning, growing, and contributing.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is Writing Your Business Plan Distracting You?

I like this Fast Company article that pops up 9 questions that nag at those who are in the midst of a start up venture. It's sort of refreshing to know that I'm not the only one out there thinking some of these things for myself, let alone having others share such thoughts with me, too.

I must be clear, though. I've had very little resistence from anyone close to me about launching in a new direction. Mostly, folks are just plain supportive and their encouragement fuels me along. But I do find that I ask myself these questions and wonder, "what do other think about this?" So, I'm sharing this article to ask y'all.

The question of most interest to me is the one about writing a business plan. I know there are some reasons why a start up just absolutely has to have some sort planning document - especially if they are out there seeking financing. I'm lucky. My solo professional endeavor only requires the financing of me and my husband. I'm extremely fortunate that he is my number one advocate, so I score 10 out or 10 on that one.

What I really like about the article's comments on this issue of whether or not to write a business plan is how the writing of it can become a distraction from actually doing much to get the business off the ground. We could spend oodles of time drafting the plan when, in the end, our venture veers off in another direction entirely. What good have we accomplished then?

It is scary to jump into something new and starting up a new business venture is right up there with "holy crap, what am I doing?" Are you letting the business plan distract you? I'm not, but I'm reminded that there are plenty of other distractions so I best take heed to stay my own course!

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