
Welcome to thoughts, musings, questions, and reflections around my passion - LEADING. Leading in ways that benefit you and benefit others.

Every person has a voice that can influence and impact the world in which they move and shake. My goal is to create greater awareness around the potential that voice has. Once aware, it's amazing what you can do.

As you develop and use your voice, your confidence grows. As your confidence grows, you step out and lead yourself, others, teams, and organizations in powerfully positive ways. And soon, yours is the attitude that others want to be around.

So, grab a cup of java and pull a chair up to my blog table. Let's trade dialogue and share a space of learning, growing, and contributing.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Give Yourself a Brain Cramp

When was the last time you invited yourself to dip (or maybe dive) into something unfamiliar? Sometimes we give ourselves an unintended headache, but that's not where I'm going with this. I'm talking about intentionally sending yourself in a direction that you know will likely cramp your brain, but you go there anyway because you suspect it is going to be worthwhile and so ... you jump! Or, dip your toe. Maybe the difference between jumping and dipping is a reference to our desire for risk, but that's another blog topic.

Tonight I started an online class to expand my coaching technique. In particular, this coaching process engages the participant to use a variety of creative expression as a bridge to unlocking deeper insight. And while I consider myself creative in many ways, the avenue of artistic creative is not one I drive on. So at the same time, I felt both exhilarated and stymied.

During the course of this program, we will make use of art supplies and that sounds like fun. On the other hand, I don't want anyone looking at my art. Why? Because I'm certain it won't measure up. "Measure up to who?" I ask myself. Hmmm .... brain cramp!

The program facilitator asked us to close our eyes and imagine the phrase that had popped to our minds when he first started the call with us. We were to envision the words of the phrase as if painting them with a brush. "What does the phrase look like now?" he asked.

My phrase, which was in reference to what we thought we'd bring to our cohorts as we go through this learning process, was "joy in the journey." At the close of the call, as the facilitator posed the question, my paint brush swiped over the middle letters of the word "journey," and left only the first two letters JO and the last letter Y. And that reflected, for me, that I usually start the journey and end the journey with joy but recognize the middle of that journey might be pretty messy. Now, there's a brain cramp for you! But I'm diving in anyway, certain the learning will be very worthwhile.

Perhaps you had a brain cramp today, too? Please  -  do share!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Do You Choose Positivity?

I am fierce in my opinion that people can choose positivity. Can the world be mean? Yup, no doubt about it. Is life hard? Many times. Do we just get overwhelmed? For certain! Is there struggle and tragedy? Absolutely.

We all have stuff. Don't think for a minute that your neighbor, coworker, or second cousin has it easy. Likely they have stuff, too, we just don't see it. And by all means, I do not take anyone's struggle lightly. But I do know that we can make a choice to find some kind of purpose out of the crappy "stuff" that life tosses over the fence to us.

Okay, let me lighten up and encourage you to check out this You Tube clip: Teaching Positive Thinking. This delightful young lady has the attitude I look for in myself every day. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Who Helps You Be Brave?

Are you brave? I'd like to think that I am, but then again I am certain without doubt that I could often be more brave. I am, for sure, impressed with the expressions of bravery that I see in young people around me.

Like when I see how our friend and former exchange student son, Marcos, is doing I know I am watching bravery. Marcos is from Brazil. He bravely left his home country to spend a year with us here in the Twin Cities. During that year he made countless friends and had many, many experiences. Now, nearly two years into his college career, he's made another brave move and hopped over to spend a semester in France. Marcos is my example of bravely reaching out to grab new adventures in life. He's a rich (in experience) man already in his young life.

And then there is my second cousin, Sally, she's brave, too. Sally has worked and lived in London for many years now. And while the move itself was brave, it was when Sally spent significant time back here that I learned how brave she really is. Sally was here for an extended time while her mum was ill. When her mum passed away, she did many brave things. As an only child, she managed the funeral preparations and offered a moving eulogy during the service. She graciously helped her father get household tasks organized. And perhaps most bravely of all, she went back to London where her life was.

I'm excited that our youngest daughter has bravely decided to put herself in the role of stay-at-home mom. Leaving her job and work friends was not an easy decision, but she did it. And I watch her bravely grabbing hold of her new role with energy and a sense of purpose that I did not possess when I was her age.

Our oldest daughter has made brave moves, too. Before slowing down to be a mom she jumped on a plane and jetted off to Australia to backpack around, all by herself. And because her dollars were few, she worked her way from spot to spot meeting new adventures all along the way. And she was brave a second time when she sold her house in the city to move to her hobby farm. Being in the country is where she knew she needed to be, it's who she is so she made it happen. I was not nearly so certain of where I needed to be at that point in life.

These young people are inspirations of bravery to me. Who might inspire you to be brave?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Paint Your Client

One of the trusted advisors that I am blessed with is Steve Kloyda. Steve and I go back a ways, to when he was looking for HR consultative services for his company and in that process, ended up getting leadership coaching for himself. Steve was a a "picture perfect" client. He articulated what he needed, was open to my suggestions, and always came to our coaching meetings ready to work.

I trust Steve's advice in the sales arena, just like he trusted me during the process of leadership coaching. I was reminded of what an ideal client Steve was while viewing his weekly sales tip. Steve reminded me that we need to use our words to create a picture for our clients. They need to see who we are, what we do, and how we do it before they can envision a benefit from engaging us to serve them. He likened this to an artist's world where the how is our choice of brushes and our words are the colors that paint the picture in the mind of our client.

One of Steve's best tips, that I have remembered many times, is that when we are calling on a client (or anyone for that matter) we need to stay focused on the purpose for that meeting or phone call. This is ultimately the greatest way in which we respect our client's time. If we can consider the purpose for our meeting first and foremost, then when we pick up our paint brush we are more likely to create a picture the client can clearly see. And, hopefully, they will like what they see and want more!

Try this out for yourself. Understand the purpose of your call, pick up your paint brush, choose vivid colors, and paint a picture of success for your client. If you'd like to hear more great sales advice from Steve, find him at: